Facebooks stance on HTML5

There has been a lot of talk around Mark Zuckerbergs comments on html5. As usual the Internet has taken the comments somewhat out of context…. And by somewhat I mean hugely. This is what Mark actually said. When I’m introspective about the last few years I think the biggest mistake that we made, as a… Continue reading Facebooks stance on HTML5

3D CSS Solar System

3D CSS3 Solar System from Code Pen

I’m forever and continually amazed by what people can do with a little bit of HTML, CSS and Javacript. This code pen example is certainly no exception to the rule. You can change between 2D and 3D view, compare the speed, the distance and also the size of each of the planets and the sun.… Continue reading 3D CSS Solar System

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Olympic Social Media Infographic

London 2012 Socialympics Infographic

Four years ago in Beijing the world was well on the way to becoming “social”, however due to the fact that it was still an emerging trend and that it was also held deep inside a internet exclusion zone (not really, but you know what I mean) means that the London Olympics were the first true social games.