CSS3 Image Filters

Office Balcony View @ Lunch

Everyone loves instagram, and before instagram was around everyone loved to use the image filters on their point and shoot cameras because lets face it, who doesn’t look better in Sepia or Black and White.

Mobify.js JavaScript for client-side adaptation

Mobify.js is a framework for client-side adaptation of any site to any device. It consists of four key parts: a JavaScript snippet that does device detection and bootstraps the adaptation. This is known as the Mobify.js tag and needs to go right after the head tag. the tag loads the Mobify.js payload file that contains… Continue reading Mobify.js JavaScript for client-side adaptation


Meny A three dimensional and space efficient menu concept. Move your mouse to the left edge of this page — or swipe in from the left edge if you’re on a touch device — to expand the menu. CSS 3D transforms are used for the transition effect and JavaScript is used to track mouse/touch movement.… Continue reading http://lab.hakim.se/meny/

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Responsive Design Podcast in the UK

Two weeks ago I received an email from the British Tech Network who were looking for a guest speaker for a podcast on Responsive Design and someone suggested they get in touch with the curator of RWD Weekly. It turns out that while in London I worked with the organiser of the podcast and from there on it was all roses and raspberry cakes.

Exoplanet Diagram from XKCD

XKCD have come up with another awesome comic reviewing the planets that we have identified. If you take a look at the planets in our solar system you’ll notice that we have two medium/smallish planets. That’s Jupiter and Saturn. They’re freaking massing. To give you a better idea just how big they are take a… Continue reading Exoplanet Diagram from XKCD

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