Surfer Magazine is a wordpress based magazine site that has now been running since 2008. It features news and reviews about everything and anything that happens in the World of Surfing. Site: Website Features WordPress Design & Development Google Analytics Google Adwords Google Adsense Facebook Advertising Facebook Fan Pages Cloud Hosting/CDN Performance & Caching Twitter… Continue reading Surfer Magazine

XKCD The Core

This has been around for a little while, but I had to giggle about this when I saw it this morning. I have the same thoughts about the Earth’s Core ever since reading a book about it in 1996, although I remember also reading that the Earth’s Core was as hot as the Sun. Temperature… Continue reading XKCD The Core

Categorized as Writing

EPS Vector Soccer Football Pitch

Today I made some changes to the West Ham United Season Results Prediction to include a football pitch as a background image to the tabled data. I wanted to download a vector image to include rather than recreate one, but everywhere I looked I was presented with “please pay”. This is the internet though, and… Continue reading EPS Vector Soccer Football Pitch

Categorized as Writing

IA Writer for Mac

I have just purchased IA Writer for Mac through the Mac Store. $21.99 for a writing program so it had better be worth the money! It was only released a few hours ago, and I was excited to see if the app that people went crazy over for the iPad was going to live up… Continue reading IA Writer for Mac

Categorized as Writing

OmniFocus for the iPad

As I mentioned in an earlier post, I have a new iPad! To get more use than just flicking through FlipBoard, trawling through Twitter or playing FIFA 2011, I’ve made the big step and forked over the money for OmniFocus. This has taken my OmniFocus purchases up to 3. OmniFocus for the Mac OmniFocus for… Continue reading OmniFocus for the iPad

Categorized as Writing