Weekly Web Update #3


  • Site Scraping – Ever had to curl or wget a site for an import?  You might have come across an issue where some of the content was relying on JS to render it properly.


  • Responsive Design – This is a simple jQuery plugin to convert menus into a select element for mobile devices and low browser widths.


  • SHAPES – Lots of them!  And all done with CSS!  Very cool.
  • Rethinking CSS Grids – One of our recommended reads last week was an article in .net magazine about the Future of CSS Layouts. Mark Boulton has responded to a few comments and Tweets with thsi great follow up article.


  • HTML5Media – By now I'm sure you're aware that Video and Audio just work in HTML5 supported browsers, and with this plugin it brings the capability to unsupported browsers (looking at you IE)
  • HTML5 Boilerplate V2 – A year on from the first release of HTML5 Bolier plate the guys have come back with one better.  A lot has changed in the past 12 months and if you thought it was good before, it's worth another download now.

Beautifying Tools

  • If you've ever "borrowd" someone's minified CSS or Javascript and not been able to make heads or tails of it.  You can use JSBeautifier and CodeBeautifier and 

Special Entities

  • Entity Look Up – LeftLogic have provided a brilliant tool that allows you to search or lookup any entities and find the appropriate HTML code.
  • And some more….


  • FontFont Subsetter – I've been including a lot of links about typography lately and I've had some questions about the effect on site performance.  While it can has some effect, tools like this will ensure that it become minimal.


  • HTML5 Mobile Applications – Over the past year there's been lots of talk about HTML5 Mobile Apps. The general perception is that HTML5 will provide companies with a scalable and flexible cross-platform mobile app strategy…. but is it ready for full production.


  • Punchout – I've been working on a friends bands web site and used this to get a real impact with the band name.
  • If you like TypeKit then you'll like Webtype


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  3. Wow intelligent stuff you have here. Try learning the difference between your and youre. Also, figure out how to use a comma. Your intelligence is right up there with Peter Kings.

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