CSS3 multiple column lists

CSS3 columns are a great way to give you easy lists that run across multiple columns without having to resort to javascript.

Unformatted notes from a practical guide to creating web content workshop

Just a quick note that these are uncheck notes and may not be entirely accurate. If you think something is wrong, it probably is. I recommend you following @RellyAB and going to see one of her talks/workshops. If you gleam anything as useful from this, you will learn a LOT more by checking it out… Continue reading Unformatted notes from a practical guide to creating web content workshop

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Steve Jobs 1955 – 2011

Today is a sad day as we have lost one of the great visionaries of our time. Steve Jobs achieved so much in just 56 short years and his legacy will live on for many years to come. From the Apple website….. Apple has lost a visionary and creative genius, and the world has lost… Continue reading Steve Jobs 1955 – 2011

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Responsive Design

Responsive web design

Responsive design has taken the world by storm over the past 12 months as more and more devices are being released and browsers are adding more and more capabilities for CSS, and in particular the @media queries in CSS3.

Responsive Design Preview

Demo Contribute on GitHub I recently did a presentation to the Darwin Web Standards Group on Responsive Design. I stole gleamed a lot of the ideas from John Allsops famous “Dao of Web Design”, Jeremy Keiths talk on Responsive Web Design as part of the ASYNCJS group in Brighton, work I did with Imogen Levy… Continue reading Responsive Design Preview

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jQuery Table of Contents

This is a heading There are occasions when you want to be able to preview the headings that come further down the page, but you won’t want to have to maintain them every time the content might change. This is where this little snippet of jquery comes in handy. It takes all the H2 elements… Continue reading jQuery Table of Contents

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