Fibonacci Flexbox Composer

This is an amazing piece of kit. Start with a box and add columns or rows. Then, from within each resulting box, create another set of evenly spaced columns or rows. It provides some exciting layout ideas. Check out the layout I created in 34 seconds. Visit Link

SVG Editor

Cut all of the guff out of your SVG and save a few extra kb. When SVG’s are created inside products like Adobe Illustrator they tend to come with a lot of additional markup that isn’t related to the actual drawing. This tool lets you remove the extra content and goes further by short handing… Continue reading SVG Editor


To start with you should never have created a site that only works with Javascript. Naughty! Bad! Take a look in the mirror…. for shame. If you have though, sometimes these things are required, this tool will visit your pages and build out a proper page that Google will be able to index and rank… Continue reading BromBone

DIY Web Server: Raspberry Pi + CloudFlare

I’ve just been speaking about setting up a testing environment for some responsive sites and needed a web server, this could be the answer… and if not it’s surely worth a try. Exciting to see the possibilities of hosting a website on a rasberry pi with cloudflare in front, I wonder how much traffic it… Continue reading DIY Web Server: Raspberry Pi + CloudFlare