
Ideal Forms is the ultimate framework for building and validating responsive HTML5 forms. http://elclanrs.github.com/jq-idealforms/



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HTML Responsive Images Extension

This proposal adds new elements and attribute to [HTML5] to enable different sources of images based on browser and display characteristics. The proposal addresses multiple use cases such as images used in responsive web designs and different images needed for high density displays. http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/html-proposals/raw-file/tip/responsive-images/responsive-images.html

Duplex – Retina Image Converter

Duplex is a very simple Macintosh application that handles batch scaling of images. The main purpose of Duplex is to provide a quick way for designers or developers to produce assets to improve the look of their existing sites on retina displays. http://moople.co.uk/duplex/

Olympic Social Media Infographic

London 2012 Socialympics Infographic

Four years ago in Beijing the world was well on the way to becoming “social”, however due to the fact that it was still an emerging trend and that it was also held deep inside a internet exclusion zone (not really, but you know what I mean) means that the London Olympics were the first true social games.