
This may be a good solution to use along with enquire.js to responsively change the data grid based on the viewport Visit Link

JavaScript – RoyalSlider – Touch-Enabled jQuery Image Gallery | CodeCanyon

RoyalSlider is easy to use jQuery image gallery and content slider plugin with animated captions, responsive layout and touch support for mobile devices. As navigation you can use thumbnails, tabs or bullets. Use it as image slider, slideshow, HTML content slider, gallery, banner rotator, video gallery, carousel or even presentation. Developed in best practises of… Continue reading JavaScript – RoyalSlider – Touch-Enabled jQuery Image Gallery | CodeCanyon

jResize Plugin, for one window responsive development : Todd Motto: Front-End Web Developer

jResize is a responsive web development tool, built in jQuery to assist the workflow of developers on responsive projects. There are various tools for responsive development, iframes at different widths embedded in the page, and the tedious resizing of the browser. So here’s a different approach which grabs all your HTML, and resizes it inside… Continue reading jResize Plugin, for one window responsive development : Todd Motto: Front-End Web Developer

Snugug/toolkit for SASS and Responsive Design

Think of Toolkit as your swiss army knife for Progressive Enhancement and Responsive Web Design. Those little bits and bobs that make your life easy and you want to reuse throughout projects but never really had a place to put? They’re here, and they’re designed to make your life happy. Toolkit is broken out into… Continue reading Snugug/toolkit for SASS and Responsive Design

Media Query Snippets – list of media queries

This little web page gives you @media queries for monitors, smart phones and tablets. They don’t go into the detail of pixel density, but focus mainly on device-widths and orientations. This is great to give you an idea about the number of media query possibilities, but I would recommend coming up with your own set… Continue reading Media Query Snippets – list of media queries