
In CSS we already have the selector ::first-line to apply style on the first line of element. But there is no selector like ::nth-line(), ::nth-last-line() or even ::last-line. Lining.JS gives you the ability to achieve this. Visit Link

SVG Editor

Cut all of the guff out of your SVG and save a few extra kb. When SVG’s are created inside products like Adobe Illustrator they tend to come with a lot of additional markup that isn’t related to the actual drawing. This tool lets you remove the extra content and goes further by short handing… Continue reading SVG Editor


Xooie is a library of JavaScript UI widgets designed to be extremely modular and agnostic of markup and styles. With Xooie, you can create almost any interface you want. Key components are tagged with data attributes, informing Xooie to bind the associated widget functionality. Visit Link

Hex Color Tool

This tool allows you a few variations of your existing colours used on your site for slight variations. Great for working out what you might want to use in a gradient. Visit Link