High volume, cross platform push notification delivery. Visit Link
Tag: postjd
Free Time Tracking Software & App, great for keeping on what you’re doing for which projects and it’s FREE”! Visit Link
Craft by InVision LABS
Craft is a plugin for Sketch and Photoshop that will pull in real content, both imagery and text, to get away from the Lorem Ipsum and see how your designs will really be used. Visit Link
Planet – by Oskar StÃ¥lberg
A fantastic little WebGL project that allows you to build up your world with oceans, land, hills/mountains and villages. Visit Link
tota11y – An accessibility visualization toolkit
tota11y is a single JavaScript file that inserts a small button in the bottom corner of your document. (It’s on this very page.) The toolbar consists of several plugins that each provide their own functionality. Many of these plugins “annotate” elements on the page. Sometimes to show their existence, other times to point out when… Continue reading tota11y – An accessibility visualization toolkit
Intern: Software testing for humans
A node.js package that will allow you to write tests easily and perform tests on the command line, in your browser or offload it to something like BrowserStack Visit Link
CSS Cursor
This small web app helps you to choose cursor type from the showcase for use in your application. Visit Link
atome with GOO & CSS (need chrome)
As a lover of space I love this little atom example. If I knew more about how this was working I’d try and make a scale version of the solar system using the same approach… Visit Link
CMYK to Pantone – Find PMS colors close to CMYK color
This handy tool takes your CMYK colour and matches it as closely as possible to a Pantone or PMS colour. Visit Link
MissPlete: Misspelling-tolerant autocomplete
MissPlete supports synonyms and it can be customized with any algorithm to select and sort the completions. Visit Link