Stranger Things : Life

A new form of life has been found some 7,900 feet below the Earth’s surface in a mine 350 miles north of Toronto, Canada. (see original article) This life exists without sunlight, doesn’t breathe Oxygen, and feeds on Pyrite (Fools Gold). If this isn’t something out of Science Fiction Movies I don’t know what is….… Continue reading Stranger Things : Life

Website Builds

I was in a meeting the other day where I mentioned the we had (the royal we) built over 100 websites. It got me thinking about just how many websites I had been involved in over the years. To that end, I decided to try and keep an up-to-date list of all the sites I’ve… Continue reading Website Builds

Categorized as Writing

Just say “McDonalds”

Today I came across Jordan Moore’s tweet about a patent he came across… The patent itself is System for converting television commercials into interactive networked video games and looks scary as F. I can see that as soon as you yell out “McDonalds” your Google Home, Nest, Ring, Alexa, Cortana, and Siri will race to… Continue reading Just say “McDonalds”

Game 17 – Abingdon

We had a solid win today against the mid table Abingdon 3’s. Winning the toss we elected to bat first in a 45 over win/lose game. Batting number 3 I managed to find the middle of the bat early but was caught out at point chasing a wide delivery from the first ball of a… Continue reading Game 17 – Abingdon

Categorized as Writing

One post every day

Writing is hard. It is especially hard when you have to do it consistantly. The thing is that I love writing. I love telling stories. I love explaining things (whether it’s through written word or voiced, and whether or not you want to hear it). When it comes to a blank page though it’s difficult… Continue reading One post every day

Google AMP tightens its grip

Owen Williams covers off all the current problems with AMP, the main one being that Google are continuing to systematically taking more control over the content on the web. By all means, make the web a faster place, but reward sites that are doing it on their own without using Google’s proprietary markup and servers… Continue reading Google AMP tightens its grip

Number two pictures

Not that kind of number two, ewwww. I left my phone with our number two child who wanted to look through the photos. Later in the day I was happy to find that she’d began taking her own pictures.

Categorized as Writing