Infographic on Wildfire Jobs

I was initially really keen to show off the Wildfire jobs infographic however I recently received a letter from them denying my request for a job that I had sent through aaaages ago. If I’m perfectly honest the application was a bit rubbish. There was no resume and the cover letter was just asking to… Continue reading Infographic on Wildfire Jobs

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Responsive Web Design Resources

We built the website Responsive Web Design because there was a lack of centralised resources for web developers that wanted to learn more about Responsive Web Design. The site is still in production at the moment and will live on once our awesome designers come up with a skin for our media query based… Continue reading Responsive Web Design Resources

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Watch out IOS, Android is here – infographic

The infographic included below, created by mobile security startup Lookout, puts it all into perspective, highlighting the major Android and iOS milestones over the course of the past five years. So sit back, grab a cup of coffee (or mimosa), and soak in this rather astonishing history-in-the-making lesson.

Categorized as Writing

SEO and Mobile vs Responsive Web Design

At the moment I’m monitoring mentions about “Responsive Web Design” on google alerts to continue to post the relevant content on Responsive Web Designs and compile it for a new website I’m building that contains a series of resources on #RWD.

This morning I came across this article, For Mobile SEO Ask “What Do Mobile Searchers Need?”, and couldn’t help but post a comment.