FlowingData — Read on flowingdata.com/2020/12/23/best-data-visualization-projects-of-2020/
Category: Links
Eleventy Résumé Builder
A free template to generate semantic, accessible & resilient résumés for the web and print. — Read on mxb.dev/blog/eleventy-resume-builder/
Visual Summary of the Wolfram Physics Projects
From rule to potential universe hypergraph, a visual representation of states and graph types. — Read on www.wolframphysics.org/visual-summary/
The D3 Graph Gallery – Simple charts made with d3.js
The D3 graph gallery displays hundreds of charts made with D3.js, always providing the reproducible code. — Read on www.d3-graph-gallery.com/
Charts | Create charts and maps with Datawrapper
Create interactive, responsive charts with Datawrapper – no code or design skills required. — Read on www.datawrapper.de/charts/
malmal.io/d/welcome A real time canvas drawing board collaboration.
A performance metric bar with a streaming FPS graph.g
How to use
<script type="text/javascript" src="justice.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
With options
<script type="text/javascript" src="justice.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
metrics: {
TTFB: { budget: 200 },
domInteractive: { budget: 250 },
domComplete: { budget: 800 },
firstPaint: { budget: 1000 },
pageLoad: { budget: 2000 },
requests: { budget: 6 },
warnThreshold: 0.8,
showFPS: true,
hartType: 'spline'
Standing on other planets is the killer app for augmented reality
I agree that it would be a killer app, but it’s not augmented reality. An app that puts you on another world is not augmented reality, it’s virtual reality.
Augmented reality provides layers of information upon your current reality, where as virtual reality takes you to another location to experience something.
Check out the original article at https://www.popularmechanics.com/space/solar-system/a22001268/jpl-nasa-augmented-reality/
Transparent Solar Panels Are “The Wave of the Future”
Last night I watched Grand Designs where a guy went £90k over his £160k budget during his house build specifically because he kept adding the latest and greatest stuff as he built the house. Triple glazing went to quadruple glazing, cladding tripled, the boiler was a lower power state of the art blah blah blah.… Continue reading Transparent Solar Panels Are “The Wave of the Future”
Tim League Refutes Netflix’s Reed Hastings On Movie Theater Innovation | IndieWire
A couple of my fondest memories involved a cinema or drive-in, not always movie related. A trip to the cinema is all about just that… it’s a trip. It’s a mini holiday you can take without leaving your home town. I hope that they will always be around… but then where are all the drive-ins… Continue reading Tim League Refutes Netflix’s Reed Hastings On Movie Theater Innovation | IndieWire