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Responsive Answers

The other day I came across a post from Paul Robert Lloyd answering some responsive questions for Net Magazine and I realised that I did the same thing last year, I should share my answers as well. These are from 13th November 2013….

How to host your podcasts

Jeremy Keith recently wrote about podcasting over at The article starts off as a bit of an overview of the article Ten Years of Podcasting: Fight Human Nature ( In the article by Matt he gives kudos to HuffDuffer, a little web app that Jeremy put together that allows you to capture a list… Continue reading How to host your podcasts

Staying focussed when tired

Woah. I must be friggin tired. It’s only 9:27 and I’ve already have 3 occasions where I thought of something that I could do, went to do it, and then struggled to recall just what I was trying to achieve. The forgetfulness of what the task that I’m currently on is made worse by the… Continue reading Staying focussed when tired