404 Page not found

You’ve been duped into thinking there was something at this URL when there really isn’t. I’ve built this site and moved some of that pages around and removed some of the others. Seeing as we’ve got off on the wrong foot let me introduce myself. My name is Justin Avery and I work for a… Continue reading 404 Page not found

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Mac OSX fixing home & end keys

This article is courtesy of the extremely intelligent Adam Fisher. Thanks Fisher! If anyone wants the home and end keys on the macs to work in a more standard way like windows (put the cursor to the end or beginning of the current line), this quick process will fix them nicely in many programs (including… Continue reading Mac OSX fixing home & end keys

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Studio 180

A few friends of mine are opening a set of studios in SE1. I spent the weekend snowboarding with the owners and the guys running the studios and they’re all very sound and talented peoples. About Studio 180 The Studio Studio 180 is a converted Georgian terrace containing five unique artists studios. Ideally situated in… Continue reading Studio 180

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Creating a timeline on your site

Today we had a client looking to represent some renovation work on a historic piece of pavement dating back to the 10th Century. Before we embarked on sketching out the possible layouts for the time line we discussed the data/information that we needed to display to the user so that we could work out the… Continue reading Creating a timeline on your site

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Nerdy Thursday Links #11

Random http://clientsfromhell.net – please don’t post any thing from our clients here, but it’s nice to have a quick look through and see that people go through the same pain (and often worse) http://stopwilson.com – DOS style blog site. Very cool! http://superuser.com/questions/231273/what-are-the-windows-a-and-b-drives-used-for – Seriously, kids these days have no idea how easy they’ve got it.… Continue reading Nerdy Thursday Links #11

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HTML5 Video Formats

If you’re not already aware, I’m moving this site across from the www version to a html5 non-subdomained version. As part of the move I’m going to update all my video file formats so that it can be enjoyed in all HTML5 wonder. There are hundreds, thousands, of resources on the internet for HTML5 Video… Continue reading HTML5 Video Formats

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