A lightweight, simple DOM utility made to run on a tight budget. Visit Link
The Web Is Thursday night playlist
One of the great things about The Web Is conference is the sideshows. This year on the Thursday night there’s a musical get together at the Founders Hub. Apparently there are plenty of instruments for people to join in with, you just need to learn Walk (Foo Fighters) and 20th Century Boy (T. Red).
Nightmare lets you simplify deeply nested callbacks into a few sequential statements. Visit Link
Options for SSL in WordPress
an overview of everything you need to know in gettingg https working on your site… with the exception of buying the SSL certificate. Visit Link
Learning Gulp
A great primer for getting started with Gulp to help your front end workflow. Visit Link
Gridlock vs. Bottlenecks
This is an awesome data visualisation to show the difference between gridlock and bottlenecks. A great use of D3.js and a beautiful design. Visit Link
Creating content in less than 5 minutes a day
Creating content is one of the hardest things to do when it comes to having a website or a blog. I’m going to share with you the easiest way to create great content daily on your site and across a series of social networks in under 5 minutes.
Responsive text to fill the height of the parent element or ellipse it when it doesn’t fit. Visit Link
Fibonacci Flexbox Composer
This is an amazing piece of kit. Start with a box and add columns or rows. Then, from within each resulting box, create another set of evenly spaced columns or rows. It provides some exciting layout ideas. Check out the layout I created in 34 seconds. http://ift.tt/1w2To2y Visit Link
SVG Editor
Cut all of the guff out of your SVG and save a few extra kb. When SVG’s are created inside products like Adobe Illustrator they tend to come with a lot of additional markup that isn’t related to the actual drawing. This tool lets you remove the extra content and goes further by short handing… Continue reading SVG Editor