Use, compare & test responsive frameworks & micro-libraries. Find code snippets & examples. Visit Link
Adding responsive images to your wordpress
These are some responsive awesome images.
Simple way to collect and look at your website performance metrics quickly, that supports budgeting and adding custom metrics. Visit Link
StyleStats – Useful tool to collect CSS statistics
Find out how many em units your setting, how many width/float/height/padding declarations your making. See how many colors you’ve declared. Very cool. Visit Link
Responsive Answers
The other day I came across a post from Paul Robert Lloyd answering some responsive questions for Net Magazine and I realised that I did the same thing last year, I should share my answers as well. These are from 13th November 2013….
Web design feedback tool for project teams
Ideas occur to me at the strangest times. Being on the internet all of the time means that it can be a bit of a struggle to stay focussed on just one thing. One of the benefits of this is that I occasionally have a moment of clarity and realise “Yes, this is exactly what… Continue reading Web design feedback tool for project teams
How to host your podcasts
Jeremy Keith recently wrote about podcasting over at The article starts off as a bit of an overview of the article Ten Years of Podcasting: Fight Human Nature ( In the article by Matt he gives kudos to HuffDuffer, a little web app that Jeremy put together that allows you to capture a list… Continue reading How to host your podcasts
Staying focussed when tired
Woah. I must be friggin tired. It’s only 9:27 and I’ve already have 3 occasions where I thought of something that I could do, went to do it, and then struggled to recall just what I was trying to achieve. The forgetfulness of what the task that I’m currently on is made worse by the… Continue reading Staying focussed when tired
xvfb-run: error: Xvfb failed to start
When trying to run in two different terminals on the same server I received the error that Xvfb could not run. By adding -a as an argument it will automatically pick up another thread to run with instead of the default. do xvfb-run -a
List directory with file sizes on Linux (ubuntu)
du -sh * I wanted to be able to list ls the files and folders on the server to find out which ones were taking up the most disk space (as part of the project i’ve been working on). This worked a treat.