Last night, christmas eve, we were fortunate to have the clouds disappear and watch the moon rise next to The Shard in London Bridge.
WordPress redirect loop wp-admin changing from http to https
Today I’ve been looking in to updating this site to HTTPS through the use of the free Cloudflare https service available. The thing that I really like about Cloudflare is not only is it free but it is offering you free HTTPS as well as free HTTP2. FREE!!! The free plan is kind of faux… Continue reading WordPress redirect loop wp-admin changing from http to https
CSS Cursor
This small web app helps you to choose cursor type from the showcase for use in your application. Visit Link
Back Pocket Notebooks have arrived!
It’s with huge excitement that I came home yesterday to find all my notebooks sitting in the Studio entrance. It’s take many months but I”m really happy with the results. Next step is to get the sleeves printed and put up the Shopify Store.
atome with GOO & CSS (need chrome)
As a lover of space I love this little atom example. If I knew more about how this was working I’d try and make a scale version of the solar system using the same approach… Visit Link
Responsive Design Notebooks – covers done
This week the RWD Notebook proofs have gone to the printers and the covers are now done. Because there was so much red used for the covers (you can’t print the white text on a red stock, so it’s all red printed onto white stock) they need to dry for a few days before going… Continue reading Responsive Design Notebooks – covers done
CMYK to Pantone – Find PMS colors close to CMYK color
This handy tool takes your CMYK colour and matches it as closely as possible to a Pantone or PMS colour. Visit Link
MissPlete: Misspelling-tolerant autocomplete
MissPlete supports synonyms and it can be customized with any algorithm to select and sort the completions. Visit Link
Element on delight when moving the mouse or touching the screen. Stop, and they’ll disappear. Visit Link
Gridster is a jQuery plugin that allows building intuitive draggable layouts from elements spanning multiple columns. Visit Link