Weekly Update 4

I’m going to change up the timing on these weekly updates. First thing to do is make sure they come out weekly instead of once every month. Sorry about that.

The second thing I’m going to do is send them out on Sunday evening so they are waiting in your inbox on Monday morning. This means that while you’re recovering from the weekend sucking in as much caffeine as you legally can consume you can also click through the links and tell your boss that you’re also learning something.

Win Win.

Big Picture

  • Geo Targeted Content – Kiss Metrics runs through some great ideas on how to increase your website conversions through the use of your users location.

HTML5 + CSS3 + Javascript

  • Zoom/Scroll Navigation – Ever had to curl or wget a site for an import?  You might have come across an issue where some of the content was relying on JS to render it properly.


  • Captionator is a JS tool that allows you to add captions to HTML5 video and allow it to be more accessible.  I’m in the process of “captionatiing” the Tiffiny Diamonds video collection which means even those that can’t hear the video can now read just how much money they will need to part with.


  • Animate CSS is a framework of some cool CSS3 animations.  Fades, bounces, rotations…. it’s got most of what you might want (cause you never really need it)
  • 3D Image transformation is one of the cool bits I learned while at the Web Directions South.  This is an awesome tutorial that goes into more detail than you would normally expect (and not have to pay for).


  • Get Manifested – Simply copy and paste the URL of the site you want to create a Cache Manifest file for and this tool will build it for you on the fly using requests on that page.  Great way to get you started.
  • Facebook Developers are doing more good things for the web community with some Build/Test/Distribution tools to help you along.

Responsive Design

  • Get Skeleton – Skeleton is a small collection of CSS & JS files that can help you rapidly develop sites that look beautiful at any size, be it a 17″ laptop screen or an iPhone.
  • Demystifying Responsive Design is a great article from Elated that takes you through the process and also explains where adaptive design stops and responsive design starts.


Presentation Resources

  • Social Canvas – A pretty cool talk, but more importantly is the awesome way to display the presentation.
  • Coder Deck – If you like giving presentations from the browser and like to run live code examples then this framework is for you.


  • iOS Boiler Plate – Based on the HTML5 boiler plate this allows you to get up and running with any iOS project easily (but probably with some bloated un-needed code too)

If you like these updates then be sure to check out these as well

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