Today’s weather might be grey but I’m in a good mood. Today I’m not taking my usual journey up the Northern Line to Old Street, instead I’m on the train in the opposite direction down to Brighton to attend the Slide & Stage one day workshop with Aral Balken. A few years ago I made… Continue reading Slide and Stage
Category: Writing
.net Magazine Awards 2013
Holy F&CK. That is the message that I sent to my pregnant finance just after I picked up the award for Best Side Project of the Year at the .net magazine awards ceremony. A quick snap of the side project and award together on the train up to Leeds. As I write this I’m on… Continue reading .net Magazine Awards 2013
Running a Successful Weekly Newsletter
I umm’d and ahh’d about the title of this post for a while because I wasn’t sure I could call the responsive design newsletter successful. To me that seems a little big headed and it wasn’t until I had someone at a bar come up and tell me that they loved the newsletter that I… Continue reading Running a Successful Weekly Newsletter
Vote for Am I Responsive as .net
Am I Responsive has been nominated for Side Project of the Year in this years’s .net Awards. I am honoured to have made the shortlist along side the other wonderful nominations and am thrilled to know that a project that I started to help save me time has assisted so many people. If you have… Continue reading Vote for Am I Responsive as .net
Project Questionnaire
When kicking off with any new project I like to try and find out as much information from the client as possible before getting back to them with a quote or project plan. It’s a fine balance, you don’t want to put the client off with too much work to begin with but you need… Continue reading Project Questionnaire
Download more than 500 rows from Google Analytics
I decided to put together a visualisation of all the urls that have been tested on Am I Responsive so I needed to do a bit of digging into Google Analytics. There are two areas that track the URL’s, the Content page for when people use ?url= or press enter after adding their url, and… Continue reading Download more than 500 rows from Google Analytics
Server Monitoring with New Relic
I’ve decided to test out New Relic for no other reason then I’m interested in what the server is doing and it’s something that I wanted to know how to do. It has nothing at all to do with the free trip to New York they are giving away this month. Nothing. Honest. One of… Continue reading Server Monitoring with New Relic
Building Am I Responsive
Eighteen months ago I put together a very crude webpage that used iFrames to preview a few of the popular viewports as a quick and dirty test for a responsive project we were working on. There were plans to improve the tools to something with quite a bit of sophistication, but with time constraints in… Continue reading Building Am I Responsive
Content Organisation
If you’re anything like me you’ve probably got several domain names. My count at the moment heads into the late teens, but over the course of the next year I’ll let a few of those lapse. The main issues I have is that I have 3 domains for myself. What do I mean by “myself”?… Continue reading Content Organisation
Do you like, like Frameworks?
Creating your own framework is hard. Building a responsive website is hard. Crafting a website that is as good on mobile as it is on a 50″ television as it is on a PS3 is really hard. Someone posted a question about writing your own framework vs using an existing tool and it got me… Continue reading Do you like, like Frameworks?