Create Infographics with Facebook Pages & Twitter Tags has come out with a new way to create infographics….. or poster type pictures that everyone now accepts as being an infographic

The London Ballet

I thought I would give a quick preview about what they are like with a #ballet tag from Twitter based on the work from The London Ballet

Create your own?

They have actually made it quite easy for you to be able to create your own Visualisations through the Create Tool for Facebook and Twitter. At the moment I can not get the Facebook connect to work correctly but you can go nuts with the twitter tool.

Any complaints

Well except for the first issue of Facebook not working for visulisations it would be nice to specify the month of data you wanted from Twitter. I would have liked to of created a visualistion for the 2011 Web Directions South conference, however I believe the limitation is because the Twitter API doesn’t make it easy to search and retrieve content from longer than a month and also limits the amount of data you can retrieve on each request (both fair calls for the amount of data available on that site).

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