New Mac Book Pro

Today I had my work machine upgraded from a Dell laptop to the MacBook Pro (13-inch, 2018, Four Thunderbolt 3 Ports) running Mojave 10.14.5 with the touch bar. I have heard a lot of bad things about this laptop when compared against the current personal laptop I have, and late 2013 Mac Book Pro. So… Continue reading New Mac Book Pro

Visas, Permits, & ILRs

It started in 2007 with an application to the UK embassy to grant me a two year working holiday visa. That worked well, for a time, until I found myself and great job and a new group of friends while I made London my second home. By the time that happened I was keen to… Continue reading Visas, Permits, & ILRs

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Building with ARKit

I’ve been having some fun with some semi client work recently and exploring the capabilities of WebAR using Apple’s ARKit. The fact that it works across the horizontal plane, meaning it needs some flat ground to attach something to, is great but it does limit the types of positions you want to get your models… Continue reading Building with ARKit

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How to rank on Google’s first page for your ‘Name’ keyword

Meet Matt Steel. I met Matt a few years ago while he was working as a freelancer at TMP when he would come in over the Summer months and help fill the gap when the work piled on. Recently I’ve been working with Matt to help get his site, Matt Steel — Creative Artworker, up… Continue reading How to rank on Google’s first page for your ‘Name’ keyword

Cross Posting to Medium

Remy Sharp has published a post all about how to cross-post to medium, you can read it over here. The crux of the issue was that Medium had remove their IFTTT applet and therefore there was no longer a straight foward way to do this (although the meat and potatoes of the article is how… Continue reading Cross Posting to Medium

Symbolic Change – Love Vs Hate

This was an CSS experiment after reading the Five Simple Steps book, Designing the invisible. The book was talking about the different meanings that symbols can take on in different cultures.

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