Building Am I Responsive

Screenshot for Am I Responsive

Eighteen months ago I put together a very crude webpage that used iFrames to preview a few of the popular viewports as a quick and dirty test for a responsive project we were working on.

There were plans to improve the tools to something with quite a bit of sophistication, but with time constraints in addition to a plethora of similar tools becoming available I put it back on the shelf labeled “The projects that never were”.

I never really needed this tool again. All my final testing was done on devices, and in the early stages using Media Queries (by Spark Box), dragging the chrome window. That was, at least, until a Thursday night in early February.

After spending a couple of hours putting together the responsive design newsletter it was all ready to go once I added the feature site image to the top of the newsletter. To do this I would open up safari and resize the browser from 1600px to 1280px, 768px, 320px and take screen shots at each point. I would then import those shots to Photoshop and position it within some pre canned browser chrome images (iMac, macbook, iPad and iPhone). Once that was done I’d export it to the web, run image optim and upload it to the newsletter. The whole process would take 15-30 minutes depending on distractions.

It’s not just the weekly newsletter I need them for either, it’s also website reviews for new responsive designs, visual aids for presentations, feedback for clients on their designs…

So after the newsletter went out on Friday morning I opened up the laptop and started building a responsive design testing tool.

Am I Responsive?

A screen shot of Am I Responsive
Am I Responsive doing it’s best inception impersonation.

Am I Responsive is super simple, you enter a URL within the input and press go and it takes that URL and rewrites the src attribute of 4 iframes. Each iframe has a height a width attribute set to mimic a particular viewport, in this case 1600px, 1280px, 768px & 320px.

$(document).ready(function() {
// Change iFrame on a Button Click Event
        $("iframe").attr('src', $( '#url' ).val());

The div around the iframe uses a transparent png background-image of the particular device chrome (iMac, Macbook, iPad and iPhone), which then makes it appear as though the iframe site is appearing directly within the device. Of course at their full size the iframe‘s would never all fit not the screen let alone within the image screen space, so the CSS3 transform property is used to scale the size of the iframes to fit nicely within the ‘device’.

.laptop {
  background-image: url("../images/laptop-screen-optimised.png");
  width: 477px;
  height: 307px;
  top: 264px;
  left: 560px;
  position: absolute;
  z-index: 2;
  iframe {
    width: 1280px;
    height: 802px;
    transform: scale(0.277);
-webkit-transform: scale(0.277);
-o-transform: scale(0.277);
-ms-transform: scale(0.277);
-moz-transform: scale(0.277);
transform-origin: top left;
-webkit-transform-origin: top left;
-o-transform-origin: top left;
-ms-transform-origin: top left;
-moz-transform-origin: top left;


By Friday afternoon I had it working at the most basic level and pushed it out to a few twitter friends. The first thing they came back with was that it wasn’t responsive, ironic isn’t it, and although it was primarily required for screenshots on the desktop it was kind of annoying me too. I made a few adjustments to the overall scale of the preview area as you move through the various viewports and made some simple changes to the form as well.

@media (max-width: 850px){
    height: 500px;
  transform: scale(0.65);
  -webkit-transform: scale(0.65);
  -o-transform: scale(0.65);
  -ms-transform: scale(0.65);
  -moz-transform: scale(0.65);
.desktop{left: 100px;}
.laptop{left: 440px;}
.tablet{left: 0px;}
.mobile{left: 180px;}


@media (max-width: 768px){
    height: 450px;
  transform: scale(0.55);
  -webkit-transform: scale(0.55);
  -o-transform: scale(0.55);
  -ms-transform: scale(0.55);
  -moz-transform: scale(0.55);
a.button {font-size: 1.6em; line-height: 1.75em; margin-top:0.5em; width:100%;}
input {height:1.2em; width:100%;}



Move me

Rather than have the same screenshots EVERY single time I wanted the ability to move them around the screen and change their z-index order. jQuery was already getting loaded to help with setting the iframe src (my javascript is terrible, so jQuery to the rescue) so I also included jQueryUI to allow the devices to the draggable. Again, there’s probably lighter/faster ways to achieve this with JS but I tested the load and it had a reasonable response.

<script src="//">

$(document).ready(function() {
    var a = 3;
   start: function(event, ui) { $(this).css("z-index", a++); }
    $('.display div').click(function() {
        $(this).css("z-index", a++);


This came about thanks to Setting z-index on draggable element from StackOverflow.

Input + Enter

I noticed during my testing that I was occasionally hitting the enter key after typing in the URL instead of hitting the GO button. To fix that I started trying to find ways to hijack the return key to activate the button instead. Fortunately I had a bit of trouble trying to achieve that because it took me in another direction of trying to deal with ?url= as part of the url string.

I added a check to see if there was a URL variable and if so to load that into the <iframe src="". This provided the awesome benefit of being able to send someone a link that would load a specified site directly into the iframes. I think because of this the tool picked up a bit more traction in blogs and on twitter.

function getUrlVars() {
    var vars = {};
    var parts = window.location.href.replace(/[?&]+([^=&]+)=([^&]*)/gi, function(m,key,value) {
        vars[key] = value;
    return vars;
var first = getUrlVars()["url"]; 
var first = decodeURIComponent(first);
var first = first.replace(/\#$/, '');

if(first === "undefined") {
  // don't do anything.
else {
//  take the url variable and update the iframes and input field

This came about thanks to getting parameters from page url from StackOverflow.

Go, then enter – the hash #

With the added function of the URL variable I noticed that if you used the Go button first, and then used to the enter key (or visa versa) you would get a hash at the end of the url string which would shoot the preview to the top and interfere with the device previews. To fix this I added an extra check to remove # tag if it is found at the end of the url string. If it’s a legitimate anchor tag it will still work because it only removes the # from the very end of the string.

// this line achieves that and is part of the code already listed above
var first = first.replace(/\#$/, '');

Transparent Previews

I noticed a couple of sites people were posting didn’t have a background colour set. These were fairly basic information sites, but still it was bugging me. If you fail to declare a background-color: on your site it defaults to browser white, however because the iframes were sitting over a background image they were showing through in the site preview. This was quickly fixed by applying a background-color:#fff; to the iframes to hide what appears behind in the background images.


I’m super excited/happy/humbled from how well received this tools has become. I’ve had help from people sending in bugs they’ve found and also sending through suggestions to improve the tool.

The feedback so far has been

  • Add rotate to mobile and tablet
  • Allow the ability to zoom into a device
  • Enable the ability to change the background-color of the preview area

These are good suggestions, and I’ve even implemented the zoom capability locally allowing for a double click to zoom however it just doesn’t work that well in practice so I was reluctant to push it live. I need to think about how the UI would work for the other ideas as well, plus spend a bit of time trying to write the actual functionality.

I’m always keen to hear more about the things that could improve it, because after all it was built to help speed up my own workflow so the more it can help out others the better.

Some things to do/note

iPhone & iPad

Although I mentioned that I made this responsive I noticed that you don’t have any control over the height of the iFrame on these devices. The fix seems to be to add another div containing the iframe to set the viewable area of the iframe and hide the overflow.

@media max-device-width()

These media queries will not fire if your CSS is set up in this way. Unless you’re really really sure that you only want to trigger the query on a specific device my general advice would be to use min-width max-width and target the viewport rather than the device itself.

Non Responsive previews

If you’re previewing a non-responsive site you’ll probably notice that rather than zooming out so that the whole site fits in the viewport (which would happen on iPhone) it actually expands past the viewable area. I think this has to do with Mobile Safari including a faux viewport value if no value is found to improve how non responsive sites appear. Unfortunately it’s not possible (corrections?) to target the viewport meta of a site being shown through an iFrame.


With the local idea I thought about preparing presentations on trains, planes and automobiles. With that in mind there is now a cache manifest file added as well for those that want to take shots of local developments with not internet connection. Oh, and it made the page load even faster. Not sure if there’s any negatives to that though.


  1. I simply love this tool ! I wanted to add a snapshot of my responsive sites to my portfolio and this saved me a lot of time and it looks great too ! Great work. Thank you so much !

  2. great tool…are there any licensing issues if I want to display websites on my website using the tool? so, I enter my website, take a screenshot and then add it into my portfolio….do I need to buy the image license for the devices? many thanks :)

  3. This is a great tool. I have it bookmarked and find myself coming back
    to it from time to time. One question… I haven’t been able to get a
    preview for my rails sites. Any suggestion?

        1. Would anybody out there be willing to explain how to do this to a total coding noob?
          Or is it too complicated to do that in a simple message like this? It probably is, just asking anyway. I’d love to use it on my site, I’m just totally clueless.

  4. Justin Avery, I just came across your tool, you are a genius! The timing for me to find it is just perfect. With this April 21 Google deadline, some people think they don’t need a responsive, or mobile website. Thank you for allowing us to use in our websites.

  5. Justin thank you so much for this site, I wanted to create some screen shots for my portfolio of websites I have created. This saved me so much time. Could I request two features, 1 a save button to save the current view as a PNG or JPEG in a higher res than a screen shot will allow. 2 a donate button so we can all thank you.

    1. Oh I second this suggestion! I just discovered your tool and it’s going to come in so handy for me. It is helping me to simulate the responsive behavior of the website I am designing at the moment, but I, too, am looking to utilize this tool for adding photos of my projects in my online portfolio I plan to put together in the near future. Thank you for creating this and offering it for free!

  6. Hi, for some reason my url wont load on amiresponsive, its a live website which loads in a browser and gets plenty of traffic, but is blank in this – any idea why?

  7. Great article the best one yet however it didnt work for my website created with Frontpage 2002 platform

  8. Hey,
    this is amazing! I saw this a half year ago or so and I’ve used the tool a couple of times… The possibility of changing the bgcolor would be amazing!

  9. Hi Justin, Thanks so much for your code, I’ve just implemented it on my website

    Just a little question, is possible mute the audio? I’ll search and search, and search, and… you know right? but seems not possible to remove audio from iframes, neither with Java, php, or jquery, maybe you have a solution…

    1. It is, but you’d need to implement it yourself. I always advise not to do this for these reasons
      1) the site is live and will not always reflect the work you actually did
      2) it will skew their analytics if your case studies page is popular
      3) the tool literally loads 4 versions of the site in iframes. An image of this would be around 100kb, but the embedded tool would be 4 x the weight of the page being pulled in… not a good experience for your site visitors.

  10. Hi Justin nice tool you have. I checked a client site I have been working on using the tool and it confirmed the responsiveness were okay on all devices however I noticed the site doesn’t scroll on all my mobile phones or mobile browsers except on a laptop or desktop.
    For the sake of clarity the url is
    Kindly assist look and advice. I have worked on the media queries in the css. the overflow property is scroll previously hidden.
    Please advice. Thanks

  11. Kudos! Kudos and more Kudos Justin Avery! I’m sharing your website link on linked in. It’s a blessing to have found it. I refer clients to it often as it’s so very helpful. I haven’t had the time yet to make a portfolio but eventually I look forward to including your link and examples there.

    Many thanks,

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