Facebook are offering $100 million dollars in support for small businesses that are between 2-50 people in size and have been running for at least 12 months.
At the moment the funds are only available to businesses based within the US but you can include you business email and country of residence and signup to be notified when you can get assistance.
My guess, albeit a pessimistic one, is that the offer for $100 million will actually translate into a lot of free advertising and sponsored posts through the platform rather than actual money to pay your employees.
Don’t get me wrong, free advertising budget would be amazing and given how much money many of you would have spent with Facebook for sponsored posts over the years it would be a nice treat for them to match your spend from this time last year.

I’ve also read that Google and Linked In are going to be offering similar kinds of things, and again I imagine that would be represented in free advertising opportunities to put your products in front of more eyes.