The very first breakfast I ate in the UK was with Roland at a greasy cafe in Colliers Wood, London. The price has gone up over the years from £5 to £8 now, but the quality (or lack there of it) certainly hasn’t changed… but I still love it.
Visualising Value
I came across this twitter account while going down a rabbit hole of linked tweets at 1am this morning. The images are super simple but do a great job of supporting the content that go along with them, here are some examples below. Constraint increases creativity This is something that I tend to hear from… Continue reading Visualising Value
Mouth Blogging
It’s been awhile since I tried to do a mouth blog. I talked about it awhile ago in one of the posts about how to use your phone to take dictation so that you can write a blog post just while you talk. When I tried it out last time I found it really hard… Continue reading Mouth Blogging
Fed up with work at four
Our youngest has taken to pretending to be a teacher while her class is in isolation, but only a few minutes into typing in the laptop she’d told me she’d had enough of work and looking after the kids.
Annual leave blog run
After a pretty shit year for everyone around the globe I find myself with a tonne of leave left over at the end of the year and not much time to take it. While we’re not going to be travelling anywhere anytime soon, I thought it would be worth trying to go on some exploration… Continue reading Annual leave blog run
Work from home office changes
We’re now past seven months of working from home and I’m finally getting around to getting a better work from home setup. I started in the way that a lot of people will have begun lock down — working at the dining room table. When the schools closed and the kids, aged 7 and 4,… Continue reading Work from home office changes
Morning Sunrise — Thame
Despite this year being a bit of a disaster with regards to cancelled plans due to the virus, we were fortunate enough to plough ahead with some work on the house. As a result, we now are lucky to have these lovely views waking up on cold winter mornings.
Polaroid Notebook Cover
I would love to do a series of notebook covers that contain the history of Polaroid Cameras. Portfolio of vector illustrator Peter Greenwood, he specialises in bold, colourful vector illustration for advertising campaigns. — Read on
Before and after
Adding punctuation to dictation on the iPad
Today I was testing out the dictation capabilities of the keyboard on the iPad Pro. As I was dictating, I added pauses for commas and long pauses for full stops. Unfortunately, the dictation doesn’t consider long pauses to be anything but a pause in thought, and didn’t add any punctuation in for me. Below are… Continue reading Adding punctuation to dictation on the iPad