The other day I came across a post from Paul Robert Lloyd answering some responsive questions for Net Magazine and I realised that I did the same thing last year, I should share my answers as well. These are from 13th November 2013….
Aaron JL Hatton @Aaron_JL_Hatton
@netmag @justinavery whats the best way to do responsive design, CSS or Javascript?
CSS all the way.
There are element of Javascript that you can bring to your responsive implementations, although they should be primarily used as a progressive enhancement.
There are some great js plugins available to assist with your responsive designs including FitText, FitVids, Respond.js, picture fill, element queries, and grunticon to name just a few (and you can find all my favourites at responsive design javascript tools.
Rachael Knight @Rach_Jenn
@netmag @justinavery media queries- good or bad?or should we simply sort when we find something that breaks?
Good? Better? Media Queries are the best, they are the special sauce that makes responsive design…. Responsive!
Always remember the first media query is the lack of a media query, so build your site mobile first. The chances are that the devices that don’t support media queries will require a mobile first approach anyway. As you expand your viewport watch the content stretch, and then included a breakpoint when the content looks rubbish. Use something like Brad Frosts ISH to help you find those in-between breakpoints.
E for Or @EforOr
@netmag @justinavery Breakpoints. RWD shouldn’t cater for specific devices, but iPhone/iPad screen sizes as standard regardless of content?
You should always let the content dictate your breakpoints. When something looks wrong, add a breakpoint and make it right again.
Today the most popular widths are the iPhone 5 and iPad, but if you look back 12 months it was the iPhone 4s instead (different dimensions). Who knows what the next most popular screen is or when it will come out, so why try and guess the size and lock yourself into something that will change?
At the end of the day you should focus on your traffic and find which users are accessing your site of what devices and base your decisions off that. We’ve even prepared an easy to use free google analytics dashboard to help you make that decision with your existing traffic.