name bench – google dns performance tool

name bench is a great little application that has been by one of the 20% Google Development projects. What is a 20% project? It’s time that google employees are given to prototype new ideas. The ideas are then taken up by other employees as part of their own 20% of time and voila, something like name bench is born.

Name bench basically hunts down the fastest dns servers that are available to your current computer and returns a list of instructions that you can then make the relevant updates and changes
name bench first screen

Name bench runs across Mac OS X, Windows, and UNIX,so there’s no excuse not to use it.

When I tried out name bench in the home office I was greeted with “You’re running the fastest” message, so I haven’t actually had the opportunity to fully test out the application to see just how much fast it can run.

If anyone has received better results and made the updates I’d love to hear about it in the comments

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