Ruth Theodore – Overexpanding

A Wednesday night at the Green Note saw me back behind the HV20 camera filming Ruth Theodore for the fourth time.

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XFN Friend Network

I’m increasingly excited about the possibilities of including XFN tags within the link structure of sites. There is a neat little form which helps those that aren’t strong on their HTML but would like to include these formats within their URL structures. XFN 1.1 Creator Name URL

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2013 dConstruct review 07 Sep 2013 dConstruct is a bizarre conference. This year it featured some amazing speakers, but not talking about the things that they are more commonly well known for but instead about something completely different. Read more migrating a wordpress site to a new domain 07 Sep 2013 Moving your wordpress website… Continue reading Home

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autolink urls with jquery

There are occasions where you want to allow site visitors to leave feedback on your site, and we usually do this through the comment feature using a combination of paint layouts, asset builders and asset listings. As part of the feedback the user will often include url links, after all linking is what keeps the… Continue reading autolink urls with jquery

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