I was in a meeting the other day where I mentioned the we had (the royal we) built over 100 websites. It got me thinking about just how many websites I had been involved in over the years.
To that end, I decided to try and keep an up-to-date list of all the sites I’ve worked on (not necessarily in their current incarnation, but I may go back through an update the links with Way Back Machine versions.
- Responsive Web Design
- RWD Weekly Newsletter
- https://justinavery.me
- http://ami.responsivedesign.is
- https://brieferhistoryoftime.com
- https://theuniverse.is
- https://noahavery.com
- https://rolandavies.com
- https://simplethin.gs
- http://surfthedream.blogspot.com/
- https://surfthedream.com.au
- https://laurayoga.co.uk/
- http://theaverysons.com/
- https://biasdetection.com
- https://tumbybaypub.com
- https://paulwilliamdesigns.com.au
- http://www.javerydesign.com/
- Colemans Printing
- Fitness NT
- Sports and Recreation NTG
- Arafura Games
- DCIS Government
- NT Government
- Power and Water
- Edith Cowen University
- South Australia Government
- Road Traffic NTG
- Education Department NTG
- Palmerston Council
- Ngukkar Arts
- Byron Bay Beach Hotels
- Ray White Darwin
- Charles Darwin University
- Squiz.io
- Host Ghost
- YouWin.com
- YouWin.de
- Brunel University
- MIddlesex University
- https://www.herts.ac.uk/
- Shelter.org.uk
- Royal Society of Arts
- Greenwich University
- City University
- 50Connect.co.uk
- https://dickfanny.com
- alexjradams.co.uk
- amphtml.dev
- bsfnt.com.au
- byronbaybeachapartments.com.au
- candyjam.me
- fbinfluencetools.com
- hsemanagement.com.au
- onelessjpg.com
- pavoniaplace.com.au
- powerwaternt.com
- projectdeliveryninjas.co.uk
- rrresponsive.com
- shonaunderwood.com.au
- squiz.io
- steviethornton.co.uk
- surferm.ag
- thelondonballet.com
- tmp.design
- winniethepooh.io
- discoverwhatmatters.co.uk
- kpmgcareers.co.uk
- imc.com
- sainsburys.jobs
- careers.sellafieldsites.com
- http://www.nhsgraduates.co.uk/
- https://nuffieldhealthcareers.com